How to Maximize a Security Degree

How to Maximize a Security Degree graphic discusses the possible jobs and careers available with different security degrees.

Security Degree
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How to Maximize Your Security Degree

There are a few variations of security degrees, but in general, they prepare you to analyze basic security theories, manage, prepare and critique security personnel, craft emergency response plans, and construct risk analyses. With all four specialties available as certificates, associates degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhDs. There is a wide range of security degrees. Some of the most popular are listed below.

Criminal Justice
Focuses on fundamentals of the criminal justice system as well as technical skills used in criminal justice. Legal procedures, criminal evidence, and criminology are also studied.

Focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from unintended and unauthorized access, change or destruction.

Public Administration
Learn to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of public policies, and bolsters knowledge of government structure, administrative management, fiscal budgeting, and community dynamics.

