Getting a degree or certificate in either homeland security or emergency management is the first step toward a career as a Homeland Security Professional. However, educational goals only take you part of the way. Now comes the extensive training and skill-building to allow graduates to go even farther. Fortunately, the Agency offers FEMA Emergency Management Training for all graduates. Through the FEMA website, students can find training centers that provide national preparedness on integrated coursework. Each one offers something different for the student since they offer different types of training expertise students are searching for. Below provides information on several training centers.

The first three mentioned providing “searchable, integrated information on courses” associated with the National Preparedness online Course Catalog. They are FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), Emergency Management Institute (EMI), and also the National Training and Education Division (NTED). The next two training centers are more education-based. Although, they do offer an extensive training regiment to all graduates and working personnel of the DHS, FEMA, or other security-related training positions.
What does FEMA Emergency Management Training Officer Do?
As mentioned earlier, they each provide something different for the graduated student to complete their training. Here are the top education and training centers through FEMA or the Department of Homeland Security.
Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)
The CDP is the nation’s top all-hazards training center. Located in Anniston, AL, it is DHS’s only federally chartered Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) training center. Since the CDP open its doors in 1998, there have been over 1.3 million responders trained. Their main focus is preparedness, protection, and response. The center also trains Responders in 17 different types of disciplines. In fact, some disciplines commonly chosen are Fire Service, Hazardous Materials, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Public Health, and Information Technology. Those trained come from all 50 states, including US territories and foreign countries.
Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
The development and delivery of emergency management training start here. The Institute works to enhance the capabilities of all levels of government. Additionally, the course curriculum provides a structured format to meet the needs of a more diverse population of students. EMI’s emphasis is for different organizations to work together to save and also protect the lives of the people. In addition, governing doctrines of the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System, and the National Preparedness Guidelines are a focal point.
National Training and Education Division (NTED)
As one of FEMA Emergency Management Training options, the NTED is the nation’s first responder community. The center offers over 150 courses, focusing on building critical thinking skills for responders to work effectively in the field. The center serves state, local, and tribal entities in 10 professional disciplines. However, recently the NTED works along with the private sector and citizens. to recognize the important role to prepare citizens domestically. Courses also include weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism, cybersecurity, and agro-terrorism.
- National Fire Academy (NFA): It is the nation’s primary provider of leadership skills and advanced technical training for students in the fire and emergency services field. The NFA reaches out to all sorts of training systems to employ first responders for the NFA. For example, colleges, universities, and distance-learning education systems. The courses and training provide accreditations through the American Council on Education (ACE) and continuing education credits by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
- Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS): This center offers a variety of programs. Many focus on providing assistance to current and emerging leaders in Homeland Defense and Security. Their purpose is to develop policies, strategies, programs, and organizational elements to defeat terrorism. It is also to prepare for natural disasters and public safety threats throughout the US. For more detailed information, check out FEMA’s Training and Education site.
FEMA also provides an Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), which is a four-day, exercise-based training event for the personnel of the Emergency Operations Center. The IEMC will also practice simulated, yet realistic crisis situations. It is provided within a structured learning environment. The goals of the IEMC are to build inter-dependent awareness, leadership, and communication skills, for developing, refining, and implementing specific plans or procedures.
The best candidates to take advantage of the FEMA Emergency Management Training are emergency personnel or those who perform specific emergency support responsibilities in the community they live and work in. For example, appointed or elected officials from Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies. Other candidates that may benefit from the training are senior-level law enforcement personnel, EMTs, social workers, and public health administrators.
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